We are pleased to share that we exceeded our Thanksgiving Matching Challenge Goal! Mahalo to our Matching Challenge Platinum Sponsors – First Hawaiian Bank, Par Hawaii, the Pettus Foundation, The Queen’s Health Systems, and UHA Health Insurance – for their gift of $55,000. Thanks to the generosity of our community, Hawai’i Meals on Wheels raised more than $110,000 for nutritious meals for homebound kūpuna!

We’re grateful to supporters who made a gift or placed 175 orders for turkey meal packs, to dozens of businesses who donated gift bag goodies, and to our generous sponsors! A BIG mahalo to event co-chairs Stacy Nakano and Walter Kinoshita who rallied more than 75 volunteers from Boy Scout Troop 42, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Hawaii State’s Executive Office on Aging, Maryknoll School’s Baseball Spartans, Pacific Buddhist Academy, Saint Louis School’s Basketball Crusaders, UHA Health Insurance, and other longtime volunteers and friends who helped with sign waving and packing and loading meals.
Hawai‘i Meals on Wheels has kept up with the growing demand for home-delivered meals because of supporters like you. Every month, we receive between 135 and 175 calls with meal requests. And thanks to your generosity, we’re able to deliver nearly 15,000 meals to kūpuna on 80 routes and locations throughout O’ahu every month!
To learn how you can join us in providing nutritious meals to homebound kūpuna, click HERE. A $45 donation allows us to prepare and deliver nutritious meals to a kūpuna for one week.
Mahalo to Our Sponsors!

Mahalo to Our In-Kind Donors!