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Now there are more ways to give to Hawaii Meals on Wheels. When you shop at AmazonSmile, a percentage of your purchases can be designated for Hawaii Meals on Wheels. It’s easy. Simply go to AmazonSmile website at on your computer or mobile device, then select Hawaii Meals on Wheels as your charity. There are thousands of items to buy. When you’re ready to check out, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. The purchase price does not include shipping, taxes, or service charges. Please note that these contributions are tax-deductible for the AmazonSmile Foundation; not for the individual purchasers. Occasionally, AmazonSmile may offer special, limited time promotions that increase the donation amount on products or services. Be sure to check out other websites such as Google for donation opportunities. Everyone’s contributions can easily add up to meals for those who are homebound. Mahalo!