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Thanks to the generosity of our community, Hawai’i Meals on Wheels raised more than $22,000 during our ‘Ohana Feast Packs Fundraiser to support homebound kūpuna!

On Saturday, June 8, we held our ‘Ohana Meal Pack Drive-Thru Fundraiser in partnership with Banquet Solutions Hawaii and HARRIET Hawaii. Mahalo to all our supporters who purchase a feast pack or made a gift!

Huge mahalo for our incredible volunteers including Board Member Stacy NakanoBoy Scouts Troop 42Beta Beta Gamma (BBG) Foundation, and so many longtime volunteers who have become friends! They helped with everything from sign waiving to meal packing.

Click on the images below to watch these behind-the-scenes videos of our volunteers hard at work!

We received overwhelmingly positive feedback about the meal packs! Mahalo nui to Banquet Solutions Hawaii, Inc. with special thanks to James Hardway, Executive Director at Hawaii Hotel and Restaurant Industry Employment and Training Trust Fund (HARIETT), and Program Manager Keith Nakano for their longtime support and coordination of meal preparation.

Mahalo also to the businesses that donated hundreds of pounds of meat and fresh produce along with plate lunch supplies!

Hawai‘i Meals on Wheels has kept up with the growing demand for home-delivered meals because of supporters like you. Every month, we receive 135 calls with meal requests. And thanks to your generosity, we’re able to deliver nearly 15,000 meals to kūpuna on 80 routes throughout O’ahu every month!

To learn how you can join us in providing nutritious meals to homebound kūpuna, click HERE. A $45 donation allows us to prepare and deliver nutritious meals to a kūpuna for one week.